The point of this article is to help you grasp the big picture of getting six pack abs. In short, to get six pack abs, you need to get leaner and develop your abs’ musculature. This is done through training and nutrition. The topic of nutrition is covered extensively elsewhere on the net: I won’t delve in it. Training-wise, to build six pack abs, you must combine cardio exercise, weightlifting, and abdominal exercises. All three are important, and to really get results you must do all three.
Cardio makes you leaner, which is necessary if you want your abs to show. Weightlifting makes you leaner, too, by increasing your resting metabolic rate and the amount of calories you burn at rest. Good weightlifting routines for fat loss are also available elsewhere online. Finally, abdominal exercises are needed to define your abs and give them the six pack look.
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